Can Stellate Ganglion Blocks (SGB) Treat Generalized Anxiety Symptoms?

A New study from Hudson Medical indicates the potential efficacy of Stellate Ganglion Blocks in treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) are a category of anxiety disorders in which excessive, persistent, and unrealistic fear, worry, and feeling of being overwhelmed are accompanied by nonspecific physiological symptoms. This group of disorders may be a result of dysfunction or disruption to certain biological processes. Interestingly, some of these biological abnormalities are shared with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a mental health disorder that is associated with functional and cognitive impairments resulting from exposure to either real or perceived physical or mental injury or threat. PTSD and GAD are often simultaneously present in patients, with up to 50% of civilian populations experiencing both conditions and up to 91% of the veteran population experiencing PTSD and Generalized Anxiety at the same time.

Additionally, PTSD and GAD are both associated with hyperactivity or dysregulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Hudson’s study, which highlights results from case studies and secondary outcomes from applicable randomized controlled trials, found that Stellate Ganglion Blocks (SGB)  may modulate signals from the sympathetic nervous system to initiate significant and long-lasting symptom relief for patients with PTSD and trauma-related anxiety.

Given the commonalities between the biological processes that lead to PTSD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, SGB may prove to be an effective treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorders following future research.

Read the full study here.