Get Ahead of Cancer Diagnoses with Early Detection Tests

Prenuvo and Galleri early-detection cancer tests can offer peace of mind or time to proactively plan.

With cancer diagnoses on the rise, early detection cancer tests are more vital than ever. A recent cancer report from the American Cancer Society projects a record-breaking 2 million diagnoses in the U.S. in 2024. Even more confounding than the case count is the uptick in cases that will impact the under 50 population.

For the first time, people under the age of 50 are seeing an increase in diagnoses, while the percentage of cases stemming from the 65 and up population is on the decline. And because younger generations are not accustomed to being at such high risk, they may not be as vigilant about screenings. It is important to note that while incident rates are on the rise, the risk of dying from cancer is not rising alongside incident rates.

Which types of cancers are on the rise?

According to the ACS, incidence cases for six of the most common types of cancer are growing across age demographics.

  • Breast
  • Prostate
  • Endometrial
  • Pancreatic
  • Kidney
  • Melanoma

Additionally, there is a spike in specific types of cancers across sub-demographics (based on gender, age, and pre-existing conditions):

  • Colorectal cancer in people younger than age 55
  • Liver cancer in women
  • Oral cancers associated with HPV
  • Cervical cancer in women ages 30 through 44

While incident rates spike, there are currently only five recommended and widely accessible cancer screenings:

  • Breast (Starting at 45, younger for those at higher risk)
  • Cervical (Starting at 25, every 5 years)
  • Colon (starting at 45, younger for those at higher risk)
  • Prostate (starting at 45, younger for those at higher risk)
  • Lung (starting at 50 for those who smoke or used to smoke)

According to studies, 70% of cancer deaths are caused by cancers without recommended screenings.1

Are early detection cancer tests necessary?

For anyone who may be at higher risk due to family history or lifestyle, early detection cancer tests may be life-preserving. Finding signs of cancer as early as possible (before the cancer has time to spread) creates the best chances survival, with some studies indicating a 5 year survival rate at 4x higher than when cancer is detected at later stages.2

Today, advancements in early detection cancer tests and scans have made it possible for younger people who may be at high risk to identify cancer cells and get ahead of treatment. Prenuvo’s Full-Body MRI Scan and Galleri’s multi-cancer early detection test are two of the most sophisticated detection options available.

What’s the difference between Galleri and Prenuvo?

Galleri Multi-Cancer Detection Test

The Galleri blood test analyzes over 1,000,000 DNA methylation sites in your blood sample to detect a specific signal shared by more than 50 types of cancer.

What can Galleri detect?

Bone cancerProstate cancerStomach cancerLeukemia
MelanomaLung cancerPancreatic cancerColon cancer
Esophagus cancerBreast cancerLymphomaLiver cancer
Who should consider Galleri?
  • Anyone over the age of 50
  • Anyone with a family history of cancer

Prenuvo Full-Body MRI Scan

The Prenuvo MRI scans for over 500 cancers and conditions using advanced imaging techniques (with zero radiation) that detect abnormalities in your tissue.

What can Prenuvo detect?

Bone cancerSpinal abnormalitiesTumorsFatty Liver Disease
Brain lesionMultiple SclerosisCardiac lesionAneurysm
StrokePancreatic cancerBrain hemorrhageLiver Abscess
Who should consider Prenuvo?
  • Anyone over the age of 50
  • Anyone with a family history of cancer or other life-altering diseases.

Whether your family history puts you at a higher risk of developing cancer, or you are looking for a way to take on a more proactive role in your longevity, early detection cancer tests can grant you the time you need to proactively treat a cancer diagnosis. Our team of expert medical providers are ready to help you take the next step in preparing for your future.


  1. American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2022. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 2022 Data on file GA-2021-0065.
  2. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program ( SEER*Stat Database: Incidence – SEER 18 Regs Research Data, Nov 2018 Sub. Includes persons aged 50-79 diagnosed 2006-2015. Data on file GA-2021-004.