Day: July 26, 2023

How can a body composition scan help you manage a healthy weight?

A DEXA, short for dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, is a full body composition scan that measures lean mass, fat mass, and bone density. This type of scan works by emitting low-dose x-rays that absorb bone tissue and soft tissue to compile an accurate profile of your body’s compositions and density.  DEXA scan measurements Patients use DEXA […]

How can the peptide Sermorelin support healthy weight management?

Sermorelin is a growth hormone releasing peptide. Sermorelin peptide injections help to stimulate your pituitary gland into producing more Human Growth Hormones, which are essential to the upkeep of our bodies. In children, these hormones promote healthy bone and cartilage growth. In adults, human growth hormones help us to maintain healthy metabolisms.  As we approach […]

What is exosome therapy and how can it be used for chronic pain?

Exosome therapy is a regenerative treatment that helps heal and restore damaged tissue.  Exosomes are small, membrane-bound structures that our cells release. They contain proteins, DNA, RNA, and lipids and play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication. Exosomes are therapeutic for their ability to transfer molecules and signaling factors that can promote tissue repair and […]