The term “brain fog” is used to describe an experience associated with a lack of focus, diminished ability to react or process thoughts, and mental fatigue. Brain fog is often a symptom of another condition, such as sleep deprivation, stress, sedentarism, or a vitamin deficiency.
Brain fog can also be a side effect of certain medications. including chemotherapy, antihistamines, and anti-anxiety medications. Many cases of brain fog can be relieved with exercise, adequate sleep, and eating a balanced diet. If you have persistent mental fuzziness or fatigue despite these home remedies, consult your primary care physician.
Treatments vary depending on the cause of brain fog, and in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis, it is important to establish a close relationship with your physician so that he or she can work with you to identify possible triggers to your brain fog.
Experiencing brain fog symptoms? Schedule a consultation with our clinical team today.