Teresa Bianchi, MD, Yunji Kim BS, Benjamin Bonte MD, Hudson Medical, New York, NY Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), as the name suggests, is a product consisting of blood plasma with a high concentration of platelets. While platelets are most often recognized for their clotting abilities, they also contain various growth factors which help during the body’s […]
Category: Medical
Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection for Popliteus Tendon Rear: A Case Study
Daniel Giangrasso, DO, Jonathann Kuo, MD, Benjamin Bonte, MD, Thomas Pitts, MD, Hudson Medical, New York, NY. A 40 year old male presented to Hudson Medical complaining of right knee pain and an acute onset of right foot drop, the inability to lift the front part of the foot. His pain and weakness reportedly began […]
5 Ways to Improve Brain Health
In today’s competitive environment, you need every advantage you can get to achieve your goals and take your career or company to the next level. Have you ever wanted to sharpen your decision-making skills, increase productivity and/or have better focus? The good news is, you can! It all starts with understanding how your brain works […]
Diagnostic Challenges of Small Fiber Neuropathy
If you are suffering from chronic nerve pain that doesn’t seem to respond to pain management treatments such as nerve blocks or steroid injections, you may be suffering from a condition called small fiber neuropathy (SFN). This condition results from damage to small nerve fibers found throughout the body and can be hard to diagnose […]
Vertigo: Causes, Treatments & When To Seek Care.
What is vertigo? Vertigo is a sudden sensation that you or your environment is spinning. While oftentimes mistakenly used interchangeably with acrophobia, a fear of heights, vertigo is actually a symptom rather than a condition itself. Vertigo varies in both severity and duration, and is commonly caused by problems with the inner ear, which plays […]
Brain Fog: Causes & Treatments
The term “brain fog” is used to describe an experience associated with a lack of focus, diminished ability to react or process thoughts, and mental fatigue. Brain fog is often a symptom of another condition, such as sleep deprivation, stress, sedentarism, or a vitamin deficiency. Brain fog can also be a side effect of certain […]
Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention
Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of dementia worldwide and causes problems with memory and other cognitive abilities. Afflicting 5.5 million Americans age 65 and older, this progressive disease renders those in the late stages incapable of carrying on a conversation or responding to their environment. Without preventative measures, this number is expected to rise […]
Your Guide to Chronic Knee Pain
Chronic knee pain is one of the most common pain complaints among older adults. Over time, the everyday wear and tear to our joints causes a deterioration of the cartilage. Cartilage is a flexible, rubbery substance which prevents the bones in joints from rubbing against each other, acting as a cushion. When this cushion undergoes […]
Arthritis Prevention and Treatments, Explained
Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in America. While there are over 100 different types of arthritis, common arthritis symptoms include swelling, stiffness, pain, and limited range of motion in the joints. In those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the body’s immune system attacks the membrane lining of the joints, leading to painful swelling, and […]
Chronic Migraines
According to the American Migraine Foundation, migraine is a common and debilitating condition that affects 12% of the population. Common symptoms of migraine include pain, nausea, lightheadedness, and sensitivity to light/sound/smell. Those who suffer from headaches on 15 or more days per month, with migraines on 8 of those days, are considered to have chronic […]